
2011年2月20日—IamtryingtobuildadevicewhereIcanhavetwoleverswhichoperatethedevice.I'dlikethepowertochangestatewheneitherleveris ...,2018年1月30日—✦Inthisvideo,wetookalookat2TWOWAYSWITCHES!Usingthisdevice,youcancontrolasingleoutputwithtwodifferentinputs!,2021年6月24日—Sorryforthestupidquestion,buthowcouldyougetthese2verticalbuttonstobothtrigger1redstoneline?,2023年2月15日—Theremustbeanexactly15l...

Two-way light switch - Survival Mode - Minecraft

2011年2月20日 — I am trying to build a device where I can have two levers which operate the device. I'd like the power to change state when either lever is ...

Minecraft TWO WAY SWITCHES! [Redstone Tutorial]

2018年1月30日 — ✦In this video, we took a look at 2 TWO WAY SWITCHES! Using this device, you can control a single output with two different inputs!

Two way switching explained in Minecraft

2021年6月24日 — Sorry for the stupid question, but how could you get these 2 vertical buttons to both trigger 1 redstone line?

JavaBedrock two way transmission

2023年2月15日 — There must be an exactly 15 long line of dust directly between the torches on each set of target blocks (excluding the dust that connects to the ...